Modern 23


Each of us has a dream, a home where live your lives: feel good, surrounding
yourself with pleasant things, it is a dream that can come true.
Sometimes you just need to know how to choose your own habitat, place, landscape, type of house, for feel satisfied.
There is the right place for us, the way we are and for our needs. A place that represent us, from which to draw energy and in which we feel ourselves.
OGNINOTTE Home project is a journey into different landscapes, natural and urban, in which your home could be located; for each of them we offer various solutions for your ideal bedroom.




Tessuto Star bianco perla 90 / grigio chiaro 91 /

Giroletto STEP imbottito bianco perla 90

-Gruppo CLOE

Gessato rovere

-Armadio MIRROR TV

Gessato rovere / vetro Mirror

L. 275,5 H. 260,5 P. 69,2

Technical File

Finitura Gruppo, Armadio

Bianco Seta Liscio
Cemento Bianco
Cemento Corda
Gessato Canapa
Gessato Rovere
Finitura Trama Bianco
Finitura Laccato opaco Ncs
Laccato Lucido/Opaco Ncs

Letto in tessuto Sun

Bianco Perla 90
Grigio Chiaro 91
Corda 22
Moro 29
Tortora 28
Castagna 25
Verde Acido 35
Blu Elettrico 80
Rosso 60
Grigio Malto 94
Grigio Antracite 96
Nero 100


Specchio Argento
Specchio Bronzo
Specchio Grigio
Specchio Decoro Glide
Vetro Specchiato Mirror


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